Episode 032: Making Peace ≠ Giving Up

Show Notes:

In order to fully create lasting changes in your health you must get to a place of peace. Without peace you’re stuck with dictatorship and constant degradation of your value, worth and character.

Lasting change cannot come from a place of discord, as that is only temporary and fleeting as a motivator. The real motivation comes from within, finding your value and worth in Christ, not in your jean size.

But don’t worry. Making peace with yourself, God and your health journey DOES NOT mean you’re giving up. Quite the opposite, in fact.

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Grab your 7 Day Detox checklist here: healthychristianwomen.com/detox

Episode 030: Why Mommy Doesn’t Need Wine

Show Notes:

In this interview episode Kristen Ekiss shares her story of what started as a ‘drink to relax’ turned into a nightly habit that was soon hard to break. Wine had begun to soothe her emotionally and physically and instead of turning to God, she was seeking comfort in the glass.
Kristen candidly shares her story of how her kids began to notice and what can seem nonchalant and laughable on the outside, can actually be a symptom of a much deeper need and cry for help and coping mechanism for stress and anxiety. Ever been there?
~Dr. Melody

P.S. Grab Kristen’s Faith and Fitness Toolkit at kristenekiss.com

P.P.S. Grab your Mind, Body, Spirit Detox Checklist at healthychristianwomen.com/detox

Episode 031: Trusting God With Your Health

Show Notes:

“Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Are we truly trusting God with our health, or continuing the rat race of striving, pushing, restricting, punishing, defeating ourselves? That’s not how God intended for you to go through life.

It’s time to trust Him. In all things. Including your health and body.

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Grab your 7 Day Detox Checklist here: healthychristianwomen.com/detox

P.P.S. Learn more about the BeautifulYOU™ program here: bit.ly/BEAUTIFULYOU

Episode 029: Chaos to Clarity

Show Notes:

In this special guest episode, Jenn Baxter shares how she went from struggling with Adrenal Fatigue to decluttering and downsizing her life altogether on an all-encompassing health journey that culminated in transitioning to a simpler, stress-free lifestyle, living in a Tiny home.

Jenn is a speaker, blogger and writer who is passionate about teaching others the benefits of improving your health in all areas by living the F.A.S.T. life: Fabulous, Abundant, Simple and Tiny.

Get the copy of her newest book, Live a F.A.S.T. Life – How Stripping Down and Cleaning Up Gave Me My Life Back by visiting her website and other health and wellness resources at LiveaFastLife.com.

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Grab your Mind, Body, Spirit 7 Day Detox Checklist at healthychristianwomen.com/detox

P.P.S. Follow Jenn and I and the rest of the team at the I Am Enough in Christ Women’s Conference Facebook page! Coming to a city near you!